Thursday, June 11, 2015

Find Old Adoption Records

Finding old adoption records takes effort because laws protect the privacy of biological parents.

Finding old adoption records will take effort because the laws in most states protect the privacy of biological parents, so few people will have full access to adoption records. If you are investigating the origin of your birth, recovering these documents is easier. However, if you want access to the adoption records of relatives or close friends, you need just cause to obtain full access to these records.


1. Gather important information, such as the child's birth name, birth city, hospital and parent's name. Write down all schools the child attended. Write down the names of any known siblings and other immediate family members.

2. Go to court in the city where the adoption took place. Use the information you gathered to search for public adoption records. View all records, and request copies of adoption files that are available.

3. Fill out a court petition to re-open old adoption files you cannot access. Attend your court hearing and plead your case, explaining to a judge why you need to access the adoption records.

4. Visit the adoption agency or law firm that handled the adoption. Give them your information and ask if they can release birth records, adoption decrees and legal adoption papers to you.

5. Visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website at and perform an adoption agency search. Locate the state agency that handled your adoption and contact them to obtain copes of old adoption records.

Tags: adoption records, access adoption, access adoption records, adoption records, adoption agency, adoption files