Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Get A Job In Wildlife Rescue

Get a Job in Wildlife Rescue

For anyone who loves wildlife and wishes to help nature's creatures thrive in their natural habitat, a career in wildlife rescue may seem like a dream come true. However, these nonprofit jobs require a lot of dedication and are usually low-paying. The daily chores at a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation facility consist of cleaning, feeding and dealing with a largely ignorant public. But for the right person, wildlife rescue is a rewarding experience like no other.


1. Study biology, zoology or veterinary science. Many people who wind up in wildlife rescue have degrees in zoology, or are licensed veterinarians or vet-techs. Many larger wildlife facilities sponsor internships, which are a great way to get started in the field. However, many others simply learn by doing through studying wildlife in their natural habitats, reading, attending conferences and volunteering.

2. Volunteer at your local wildlife rescue. This is the best way to get to know if wildlife rescue is for you. You will get to learn about the wild animals in your area, and spend time face-to-face with the people running the wildlife rescue agencies. Wildlife rehabilitation facilities are often overwhelmed and in search of dependable volunteers with any level of experience. If there is no wildlife facility in your area, start at your local humane society or animal shelter. Often, they will have some "exotic" animals that need tending to and frequently, they are called upon to help out with wildlife issues. At the very least, volunteering at a shelter will get you comfortable working with animals and dealing with the public.

3. Become a part of the wildlife rescue community. Attend conferences, join the NWRA (National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association), IWRC (International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council).

4. Get licensed or certified. You may wish to become a properly licensed wildlife rehabilitator, and you will need to be licensed if you wish to rescue wildlife. State laws differ on what it takes to become a licensed rehabilitator, so, find out about the process in your area. Start by contacting your local Fish and Wildlife agency.

Tags: wildlife rescue, wildlife rescue, your area, your local, dealing with