Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Diseases From Cat Feces

Cat feces can often carry diseases and parasites.

Cats can carry numerous parasites and diseases in their fecal matter. Most people who live with cats will never be affected, but a few individuals who suffer from a weakened immune system, cancer or HIV/AIDS are at a greater risk of contracting diseases or parasites from cat stool. Infants and children are at added risk because they often handle cat waste and then place their fingers into their mouths.


Cryptosporidium is a parasitic disease found in infected cat fecal matter. It is caused by the Cryptosporidium parvum parasite. The parasite infects the gastrointestinal system. Human suffers will often have diarrhea, vomiting, cramps and fever. Cats rarely exhibit any symptoms of the parasite. The parasites are microscopic and shed in the infected feline's stool. The parasite is very resistant to most chemical cleaners such as chlorine. Humans with a healthy immune system will rarely require treatment when infected. Only those with compromised immune systems, the elderly and the very young tend to suffer ill effects from the parasite.


Cats can easily become infected with the parasites known as hookworms. Humans can contract hookworms from the infected stool of cats. The early stages of infestation can cause skin irritation as the worms' larvae moves under the skin of infected people. Humans can also accidentally become infected by consuming hookworm eggs from infected stool. The eggs can hatch and the larvae will quickly take over the gastrointestinal tract, which will result in bleeding, pain, diarrhea and inflammation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, many humans contract hookworms when they step barefoot into infected cat feces and the larvae penetrate the skin of the foot.


It is estimated that 14 percent of the entire human population of the United States suffers from Toxocara, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Toxocara is a roundworm parasite that is commonly found in dog and cat stool. Humans become infected with Toxocara when they accidentally ingest the eggs or larvae of the parasite after coming into contact with infected stool. Cats rarely show any signs of infection. Symptoms of infestation in humans can often include vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss. Children are especially vulnerable to infestation with Toxocara.


The Toxoplasma gondii. parasite causes Toxoplasmosis in humans and cats. The parasite is especially dangerous for pregnant women who can become infected with the parasite and transmit it to their fetus. The parasite can cause abnormal birth defects and miscarriage. Humans who are infected with Toxoplasma normally exhibit flu-like symptoms with swollen lymph nodes. Transmission occurs from contact with infected cat feces. Pregnant women are strongly discouraged from changing the cat's litter box or coming into contact with cat stool. Cats should never be fed undercooked meat because they can easily contract Toxoplasma in this manner and then transmit it to humans through waste products.

Tags: become infected, infected with, become infected with, contact with, infected stool, because they, Cats rarely