Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Care For A Pet Chipmunk

Though typically wild creatures, a pet chipmunk can be a rewarding companion. They are just as feisty indoors as they are outside, but they have an affinity for humans when hand-raised. Unlike some other small pets, chipmunks will not be happy to be confined. So expect to have a chipmunk scurrying up furniture and racing about the house if you decide to adopt!


1. Build suitable housing for your pet chipmunk. Chipmunks are very active creatures and will not be happy in small spaces. The best home is a large outdoor run completely fenced in fine mesh, with attached indoor housing. There should also be fencing sunk down into the ground because chipmunks can dig.

2. Create a home-like environment for your chipmunk. A few inches of peat should be placed on the floor of the run so chipmunks can cache their food. Provide logs as gnawing surfaces for your chipmunk and nesting boxes for privacy, a necessity for chipmunks.

3. Provide a varied diet. A standard seed-based rodent diet is the best base food for chipmunks. From there, experiment with different vegetables and fruits at least once a week so you can learn your chipmunk's favorite foods. To encourage your chipmunk to engage in foraging behavior, don't feed him every day. If you withhold food, he will dig up his food caches and eat them-a natural chipmunk behavior.

4. Find a good veterinarian and take your pet in for regular checkups. Call around when you first get your chipmunk to make sure you know who can treat her if she needs medical attention. A veterinarian who specializes in rodents might not be able to effectively treat your chipmunk, so ask specifically about chipmunks when you call.

5. Handle your chipmunk often, especially after you first bring her home. A chipmunk needs constant human contact when young to become a tame and loving pet.

6. Allow your chipmunk to run freely around your home for some part of the day, if he is friendly and tame. This is especially important if you aren't able to provide a large home for him. Chipmunks love to climb and explore, so make sure that there is nothing that can hurt your pet.

Tags: your chipmunk, make sure, will happy