Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Start An Animal Rescue

Start an Animal Rescue

Starting an animal rescue is hard work. This article gives an overview of the steps required to begin an animal rescue group. With so many things to do, it is easy to overlook an important step. This article will help you with all the steps you will need to take.


1. DETERMINE WHAT KIND OF ANIMALS YOU WILL RESCUE. You must be specific when deciding this. For example, if you choose to rescue dogs, you must determine what kind of dogs you will rescue. Will you take in puppies? Special needs? Certain breeds? Are there certain ones you cannot or will not take in? For example, if you have children around you might want to take in behavorial problem dogs. You must have a focus in order to run a successful rescue.

2. DECIDE WHERE YOU WILL KEEP THE ANIMALS. You must determine how and where you will house the animals. This will also help you decide how many you will rescue at one time. If you are wanting to rescue more than a few at a time, you will probably need some sort of facility or network of foster homes.

3. CREATE A FINANCIAL PLAN. How will you fund your group? Will you charge an adoption fee? At this step you will want to brainstorm fundraising ideas. Do your research and find accurate costs of supplies, medical bills, and other costs you may have associated with your rescue. Create a plan to see how much money you will need per month, and alternatively, create a plan that will bring in that amount each and every month.

4. CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. Will you need to file for non-profit status? Check with a local attorney that is knowledgable in this area. If you are unsure of an attoreny near you, contact your local Bar Association for a referral.

5. MARKETING PLAN. How will you advertise your animals? How can you get the word out about your rescue? You can utilize local newspapers, the Internet and local events where you can set up a booth or table. This will need to be an on going plan.

6. WRITE YOUR ADOPTION APPLICATION. Consider all the things you want to know about where your rescued animal will be going when they are adopted. How will you screen potential adopters to ensure they are good pet owners? Your adoption application is the place to get all the information you need in order to allow the adoption.

7. WRITE YOUR ADOPTION CONTRACT. Similar to the application, the contract is to protect your rescue group, and ensure as best as you can that the pet is going to be well taken care of. You may want to consult your attorney for this step as well.

8. FIND A VET. When working with animals of any type, you will need a veternarian to provide routine care as well as emergency care. Interview several vets near you to decide who you like, who is knowledgable in the type of animals you are rescuing, and who is going to offer the best prices.

9. FIND VOLUNTEERS. You cannot do it alone! Find volunteers to help with certain aspects of your rescue. Perhaps you can find local teens to help care for the animals, or adults who can help transport. Maybe someone could provide assistance with a website. Put the word out, and find some helpers!

10. NAME YOUR GROUP! Now for the fun part! Brainstorm some good names. If you are incorportating or filing for non-profit, you can check your state's Secretary of State website for a list of names already taken. Once you know your name, you can start making promotional material, such as business cards, flyers, etc.

Tags: your rescue, Animal Rescue, animal rescue, dogs must, help with