Monday, July 27, 2015

Pest Control Schools Near Pensacola Florida

In Florida, pest control is a regulated trade.

In Florida, pest-control education is governed by the Florida Bureau of Entomology and Pest Control. According to their website, everyone who works in this field must be licensed by this Bureau, and there are no basic educational requirements for entry-level pest-control workers. They are expected to train on the job. However, if a worker wishes to become a certified pest-control operator, he must pass examinations and possibly receive more education, depending on the type of license or certificate he wants. Pest-control workers in the Pensacola area have some options when selecting a nearby school.

Florida Gateway College

Florida Gateway College is located at Lake City, Florida. This college offers an applied technology diploma in pest-control operations. It takes two semesters of full-time study to complete. According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension website, after completion of this program a student will be qualified to take the Pest Control Operator examination, provided that she has the requisite employment experience.

149 SE College Place

Lake City, FL 32025

(386) 752-1822

University of Florida

The University of Florida at Gainesville administers a program in Pest Control through their Faculty of Entomology and Nematology. Certificates in Urban Pest Management, Landscape Pest Management and Pest Control Technology can be earned there. The program takes three years to complete through distance education.

University of Florida

Faculty of Entomology and Nematology

Bldg. 970 Natural Area Drive

Gainesville, FL 32611

(352) 392-1901

Florida Pest Education Tutoring School

According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension website, workers who have 3 years of experience in the field can apply for certification as a pest-control operator without attending a college program. According to the Florida Pest Control Tutoring School website, this particular school offers 5 hours of classes, all on the same day, in the Gainesville area. The focus is upon preparation for the examinations for general household pest and lawn ornamental pest-control operator certification. Classes are all held on a day that is close to the examination date and additional student support is offered.

Florida Pest Education Tutoring School

2247 Citrus Blvd. #316

Leesburg, FL 34748

(352) 638-0956

Tags: Pest Control, University Florida, pest-control operator, Tutoring School, According University, According University Florida