Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Why Do Baby Birds Die Shortly After Being Caught

Baby birds sometimes leave their nests on their own.

Many baby birds die shortly after being discovered, but many more can survive without human interference. Not every young bird that falls from a nest is in danger, and many are simply taking a first step on life's journey.

Causes of Mortality

Baby ducks imprint on their parents.

Some young birds imprint on their parents and only recognize food in their presence. These birds face starvation. Others sustain injuries from falls from nests that inhibit their survival.

Nestlings vs. Fledglings

Fledglings are young birds ready to try flight.

A quick examination of a baby bird reveals its life stage. If it's covered with downy feathers, with a short discernable tail, it's a fledgling. If it's less thoroughly feathered and having trouble moving on its own, it's a nestling.

Nestling Care

Nestlings look helpless on the ground.

Fallen nestlings should be replaced as quickly as possible, as they are in immediate danger from predators. If no nest can be found, the bird should be taken to a licensed rehabilitator.

Fledgling Care

Fledglings that leave the nest stay in communication with their parents.

The best course of action to take to help a fledgling that's fallen from a nest is nothing at all, as the parents will naturally care for it. If it's in an exposed area where predatory cats, dogs, and birds lurk, place it in a shrub or tree.

Legal Responsibility

It's illegal to possess a native bird in the United States without a permit.

Tags: their parents, falls from, from nest, imprint their, imprint their parents