Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jobs That Concentrate On Working With Children

Patience and understanding are helpful traits when working with children.

Job applicants can prefer working with children. Individuals who are best-suited for working with children include those with patience and an understanding of children. Some jobs involve working with small children, while others involve working with high school students. Qualifications range from limited child care experience to completion of a master's degree program. Employment opportunities include schools, camps and adoption agencies.

Adoption Counselors

Adoption counselors work with children, pregnant women and potential adoptive parents. Duties include counseling pregnant women and interviewing adoptive parents. Some employers accept applicants with a bachelor's degree in counseling or psychology, while some employers request a master's degree in social work. Employment opportunities include foster care agencies and private adoption agencies. As of March 2010, shows the average annual salary is $23,000.

Camp Counselors

Camp counselors provide leadership to day and summer camp participants. One duty involves participating in camp activities. Another duty involves suggesting and coordinating activities with camp directors and fellow program staffers. Minimum qualifications include prior experience working with young children. Some camps seek applicants who have worked at day or summer camps. As of March 2010, shows the average annual salary for camp counselors is $21,000.

Children's Librarians

Children's librarians are responsible for creating, monitoring and promoting children's activities and literary programs. Librarians should have a working knowledge of children's literature, organizational skills and computer research skills. Some employers request a master's degree in library science. Besides public libraries, employment opportunities exists in school libraries and education publishing companies. As of March 2010, shows the average annual salary for children's librarians is $47,000.

Juvenile Probation Officers

Juvenile probation officers provide mediation between youth offenders and the criminal justice system. Probation officers are responsible for visiting juvenile offenders, testifying in family court cases and preparing written reports. Qualifications include a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, psychology or sociology. Some employers request completion of a state-sponsored training program. As of May 2008, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the average annual salary for probation officers is $45,910.

Tags: working with, annual salary, average annual, average annual salary, shows average