Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Clean Basset Hound Drool

Clean Basset Hound Drool

An overabundance of drool can be a sign of poor health in dogs. For instance, a lot of slobber may be the result of an infection or a damaged tooth. But some breeds drool more than others because of loose skin around their mouth. The adult basset hound is one such breed that produces excessive drool. If not cleaned up immediately, it resembles a substance similar to dried glue that can be difficult to remove. Learn clean basset hound drool in the following steps.


1. Spot clean basset hound drool from clothes with a damp cloth for the best results. Remember to blot first to avoid spreading food particles and grime that inevitably accompany the drool. For caked-on drool, dot the spot with a laundry pretreatment product, scrub lightly with a stiff bristled brush and launder as normal.

2. Get rid of drool on walls and floors. Mix 1 gallon of hot water with 1 tbsp. dishwashing liquid and 1 tbsp. ammonia. Dip a rag into the solution and wash the stain, then rinse with clear water and allow to air dry.

3. Remove basset hound drool from upholstery with enzyme enriched laundry detergent. Mix a solution of ½ cup laundry detergent and 1 gallon of water. Apply the solution with a cotton ball at the edge of the stain, then work inward. Rinse suds from the upholstery fabric with clear water. To dry, pat first then blow with a hair dryer.

4. Banish basset hound slobber from windows with vinegar. Fill a spray bottle with a solution of vinegar and water in equal parts. Spray the solution on the drool stain, then wipe with a paper towel.

Tags: basset hound, hound drool, stain then, basset hound drool, clean basset hound, Clean Basset Hound, clear water