Friday, October 9, 2015

About Shih Tzu Dog

Shih tzu dogs need routine maintenance or their coats can become unruly.

Their beautiful coats and good-natured personalities are often what draw people to shih tzu dogs. Though they hail from Tibet, the shih tzu is most commonly known for being the companions of Chinese royalty. Shih tzu dogs require a certain amount of care, including routine grooming. If you are considered adopting or purchasing a shih tzu, you may be wondering a few things about the breed.


According to the Next Day Pets website, shih tzu dogs make good companions. They are outgoing, loyal and get along well with most other pets. Shih tzus enjoy the company of their owners and greatly disapprove when separated from them. Shih tzus love to play and are keen and alert, which makes them excellent watchdogs.


Shih tzu dogs are not always the easiest to housetrain. Typically, the method that works best is crate training. In addition, the Dog Breed Info Center website states that shih tzu dogs often suffer from the small dog syndrome, in which they believe they, not their owners, are the leaders of the household. Therefore, shih tzu dogs require owners that will establish their dominance over them and assume the leadership position. However, most shih tzu dogs are eager to please and quick to learn, despite their tendencies to be stubborn. Because of this, shih tzu owners need to be consistent and patient when training their dogs.


All shih tzu dogs require routine grooming. Shih tzus have long hair that can become easily matted. Therefore, daily brushing is required, along with monthly baths. Owners should also clean their shih tzu’s eyes daily to prevent discharge buildup. Shih tzus are often clipped or trimmed every six to eight weeks, depending on the desired hair style and how fast the dog’s hair grows.


Shih tzu dogs are generally healthy, however, they tend to develop certain issues. The Dog Breed Info Center website states that shih tzus are prone to spinal disc disease because of their long backs and short legs. In addition, shih tzus can have luxating patellas, or knee caps that slip out of place. Moreover, this breed is susceptible to ear and eye infections, as well as early tooth loss. They can also gain weight easily and therefore, should not be overfed.

Living Conditions

Because of all their hair, shih tzu dogs are sensitive to heat and should never live exclusively outdoors. Shih tzu dogs can live in most any home, including apartments. While they do not require much space to run around, they should receive daily walks.

Tags: Shih dogs, dogs require, shih dogs, Shih tzus, Breed Info, Breed Info Center, Center website