Monday, October 12, 2015

Catch A Squirrel

Squirrels become a nuisance when they enter homes or steal seed from bird feeders.

It is enjoyable to watch squirrels as they run up and down trees, gather nuts and hop from one branch to another. They lose much of their charm, however, when they find their way into the attic or begin emptying bird feeders in less time than it took to fill them. The animals aren't only a nuisance, but can pass diseases to humans as well. One of the most effective and humane ways to eliminate an annoying squirrel is to catch it in a live animal trap and release it in a more suitable location. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Select a trap that is 9 inches high, 24 inches long and has a 9-inch wide opening. The trap should have a door on each end so that the squirrel can see through it when the doors are up, which increases the chance of the animal going inside.

2. Put bait, such as sliced apple or orange, inside the trap. Attach the bait to the interior of the trap with soft twine, approximately 6 inches from the ground, so the scent of the fruit carries efficiently.

3. Place the trap in a location where the squirrel is routinely seen and leave both doors open.

4. Examine the trap two times each day and replace the bait as necessary so the animal will become comfortable feeding there.

5. Set the trap after the squirrel has taken the bait two to three times.

6. Check the trap two to three times a day. When the squirrel is trapped, transport the animal to a wooded location, away from residences. Transport quickly -- you don't want to make the squirrel suffer for any longer than necessary.

Tags: bird feeders, three times, when they