Thursday, April 2, 2015

Become A Military Dog Handler

German shepherds are commonly used as MWDs.

Only military police may train to become handlers of Military Working Dogs, or MWDs. MWD handlers must successfully complete the Military Working Dog Handler course at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. On the fifth day of training, each handler is assigned a dog who will stay with him for the duration of his time as a handler. MWDs are valued personnel who are given military rank; in fact, an MWD is always one rank higher than its handler. Therefore, any handler who mistreats his dog can be prosecuted for assaulting a superior under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.


1. Notify your battalion's Schools NCO that you wish to attend the MWD Handler Course. Only service members in the pay grades E3 through E6 are permitted to attend the course. You will be required to pass a physical fitness test before the Schools NCO will submit your request to the battalion commander. When your request is approved, you will receive orders to attend the course from the Department of Defense.

2. Attend the 11-week MWD Handler Course at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. At the MWD Handler Course, you will learn the basics of dog-handling, including maintenance of equipment. You will also learn keep your dog healthy and create training records.

3. Demonstrate your ability to handle your MWD to a qualified instructor as part of your graduation requirement. Pass a physical fitness test and a written test designed to evaluate your ability to handle an MWD.

4. Bring your graduation certificate to your unit's personnel office to ensure your personnel file reflects your status as an MWD handler.

Tags: Handler Course, ability handle, attend course, Base Texas, fitness test, Force Base, Force Base Texas