Monday, November 3, 2014

Train A Boxer Puppy Dog

Many people love the boxer's distinctive appearance.

Boxer dogs certainly have their devoted fans. According to the American Kennel Club, the boxer is one of the most popular dogs in the United States. Boxers are not the ideal pet for everyone, though, because they are boisterous and definitely need rigorous training. They are distinctive in appearance and a medium-sized dog when fully grown. Boxers have an interesting history. They were bred in the 19th century in Germany, as a cross between the British bulldog and the German bullenbeisser. Boxers are intelligent and eager to please. Today, they are used as guard dogs, and are popular as family pets.


1. Begin training the puppy from the day you bring it home. Make sure you give the puppy plenty of exercise and attention. Decide whether you are going to crate train the dog. This is a matter of personal preference, but there are advantages to using a crate. The main one is that the crate can become like the dog's den, giving it a sense of security, particularly when you are out. Dogs do not like to use their den as a toilet, so the crate will help with toilet training.

2. Buy a crate that will be big enough for the puppy when it is fully grown. Put a toy in the crate and encourage the puppy to explore it. Give praise and treats when it stays in the crate. Persistence and patience are the keys to successful crate training. Puppies cannot control their bladders for more than an hour or so. Take the puppy straight from the crate out of the house, and use a cue such as "toilet." Do this every time you put the puppy in the crate so an association is made.

3. Make sure your boxer puppy socializes with other dogs from the outset. You may need to take it to a puppy kindergarten for this purpose. If your puppy jumps on the furniture, or displays any destructive behavior, say "No" loudly and remove it from the area. Be consistent, and use positive reinforcement, such as praise and treats when the puppy behaves appropriately.

Tags: distinctive appearance, fully grown, Make sure, praise treats, praise treats when, treats when