Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kitten Fatigued After Spaying

Spaying and neutering cats is necessary to avoid unwanted pets.

Spaying and neutering can seem like a cruel thing to do to a pet. However, if an owner wants to be responsible, it's the right thing to do. Thousands of unwanted pets are born every year. These animals usually end up in animal shelters and are sometimes adopted. However, not all pets get adopted, and those that don't end up being euthanized. Spaying a kitten will ensure that no unwanted kittens are born. It will also ensure that the kitten does not grow up and wander off because it is in heat.


Spaying is defined as removing the ovaries of an animal so that it does not ovulate and thus can't reproduce. Kittens can be spayed once they reach six months of age; however, some animal shelters will spay at an earlier age, especially if the kitten is being adopted. Spaying is done by a veterinarian and recovery time for the kitten is minimal. The kitten is sent home the same day and is given a couple days' worth of pain medication to help in recovery.


Kittens can experience a variety of side effects associated with spaying, such as loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea and fatigue. During the procedure, the kitten is anesthetized so that it does not feel any pain and so that the veterinarian can perform the procedure. Anesthesia can make a kitten nauseated or extremely tired. Most likely, the kitten will sleep a lot for a couple of days after the procedure.


Some pet owners think that after a cat or kitten has been spayed, it will sleep off the anesthesia and be back to its old self in no time. However, spaying is considered a major surgery by most veterinarians. Because the kitten is having its ovaries removed, it will take some time for it to resume normal activities. As it starts to heal and feel better, the kitten will sleep less and become more active.


Pain medication that the kitten is prescribed after the procedure plays a role in how much it will sleep. Kittens are typically given a few pain pills to be administered in the days after the procedure. This helps the kitten through the healing process so that it's not in pain. However, one of the side effects of pain pills is fatigue.


Though fatigue is a common side effect of spaying, too much sleep can be a warning sign that something is wrong with the kitten. The kitten should be taken to see a veterinarian if it continues to sleep constantly even after the pain medication has run out. In addition, a vet should be consulted if the kitten does not seem like itself or resume normal activity at least two weeks after spaying.

Tags: will sleep, after procedure, kitten will, animal shelters, couple days, days after, days after procedure