Friday, November 28, 2014

Sims 2 Pets Game Cheats

Sims 2 Pets game cheats

The "Sims 2 Pets" expansion opens up a whole new dimension of play for fans of the popular simulation game from Maxis and Electronic Arts. Now players can create pets for their Sims families. From dogs and cats to birds and "womrats"--the Sims' version of guinea pigs--there are pets to fit every style of play. There are several new Sims 2 game cheats specific to the Pets expansion.

Money Cheats

Cheats for more money aren't new to the Pets expansion--they've been around since game one. With new pets to buy and care for and new objects to purchase, though, the cheats for quick extra money are more helpful than ever.

For a thousand extra Simoleans (the currency used in the Sims universe), first pull up the cheat box. To do this, type "Ctrl" plus "Shift" plus "C." A box with a blinking cursor will pop up in the top left corner of the screen. In this box, simply type "kaching."

If 1000 isn't enough, you might want to go for the motherlode--literally. Bring up the cheat box using "Ctrl" plus "Shift" and "C." This time, type "motherlode" in the box and you'll have fifty thousand Simoleans.

Pet Control

Unlike typical Sims 2 characters, your Sims pets can't be controlled using normal game play. If you want to control your pets, you will need to use cheats. There are several to choose from.

To turn pet "free will" on or off (the default is on), bring up the cheat box with "Ctrl" plus "Shift" plus "C". In the box, type: "boolprop PetsFreeWill false" to turn free will off. To turn it back on, you'll pull up the cheat box and type "boolprop PetsFreeWill true."

If you want the ability to direct your Sims 2 pets' every move, bring up the cheat box and type in "boolprop ControlPets On." To reverse this, just type in "Boolprop ControlPets Off."

Using the pet control cheat won't allow you to cancel items in your Sims 2 pet's action queue. If you want to cancel actions, bring up the cheat box using "Ctrl" plus "Shift" plus "C" and type in: "boolprop PetActionCancel True." To turn this function back off, bring up the cheat box again and type in "boolprop PetActionCancel False."

Building Cheats

Along with new cheats to help you control your new Sims 2 pets, there are many new cheats to help you build better Sims houses and community lots.

A quick and easy way to change the look of a lot is to use the DeleteAll cheat. Bring up the cheat box with "Ctrl" plus "Shift" plus "C." To get rid of all the awnings on a lot, type "DeleteAllAwnings" in the cheat box; to get rid of fences, type "DeleteAllFences"; the cheat for half walls is "DeleteAllHalfWalls"; to get rid of all regular walls, type "DeleteAllWalls." To remove all the doors on a lot, type "DeleteAllObjects Doors"; to remove all windows, the code is "DeleteAllObjects Windows"; the code for stairs is "DeleteAllObjects Stairs."

One of the most helpful new cheats in Sims 2 Pets gives you increased ability to control the loof of roofs in the game. To modify roofs, bring up the cheat box and type in "IndividualRoofSlopeAngle" followed by the desired angle degree. Adjust roofs from 15 to 75 degrees. If, for example, you want to adjust the roof to a 50 degree slope angle, you will type in "IndividualRoofSlopeAngle 50."

Tags: Ctrl plus, Ctrl plus Shift, plus Shift, type boolprop, plus Shift plus, Shift plus