Monday, December 15, 2014

Become An Exotic Cat Breeder

This is a Maine Coon cat.

Cat breeders mate cats in order to produce healthy kittens. An exotic cat breeder is someone who focuses his or her breeding efforts on cat breeds that are less popular or rarely seen in the United States. In order to become an exotic cat breeder there are several guidelines you may wish to follow.


1. Visit cat shows. One of the very best ways to learn about exotic breeds of cats is to visit local and national cat shows. Cat shows are shows where cats are examined and judged. Animals that come closest to representing a specified standard are given awards. Both cats and kittens are judged. Cats may be divided into specific categories such as altered animals (those that have been spayed or neutered) and cats under a certain age group. Talk to breeders. Many are very happy to speak at length about the virtues of their chosen breed.

2. Decide on a breed. Certain cat breeds are more popular than others. Persian cats have long been a favorite with Americans. Rarer breeds such as Devon Rex or Exotic Shorthair may be harder to find. Choose a cat breed that suits your lifestyle and temperament. Not all Siamese cats will be talkative or Maine Coons outgoing. But many kittens will demonstrate the traits that are part of their breed standard.

3. Speak to few veterinarians before you start. A vet may know about possible health problems that can be endemic to certain breeds. A vet can also help you set up a healthy breeding plan that avoids propagation of bad traits.

4. Find a breeder who specializes in the breed you have chosen. Exotic cat breeders may not live in your immediate area. You may have to travel. Do not buy kittens from a breeder without seeing where the cats live and how they are cared for. Look for reputable breeders who provide sufficient space for their animals and breed responsibly. Make sure you have the legal right to breed kittens. Some breeders will not let you adopt kittens unless you agree to have the kittens spayed and neutered.

5. Bring the kittens to a vet. Once you have acquired breeding stock bring the kittens to the vet to be checked for health problems. Kittens that have health problems such as heart defects should not be bred. Vaccinate all animals to avoid spreading disease. Separate male and female cats when the female is in heat to avoid accidental matings.

6. Breed responsibly. Consider carefully any traits you wish to propagate in the cats you are breeding. Avoid extreme traits such as a complete absence of a tail or a pushed in nose that make breathing difficult. Creating healthy kittens and cats should be your primary goal.

Tags: health problems, exotic breeder, healthy kittens, shows shows, spayed neutered