Monday, December 22, 2014

Start A Dog Treat Business At Home

Good dogs deserve yummy treats.

A homemade dog treat business is a great way to earn extra money from home. It can also lead to a full-time career if that is what you desire. Setting up the business, creating a plan, and then working hard to keep the business going are important steps in creating a successful and ongoing enterprise. The Small Business Administration offers free online training in many areas of starting and running a business. This will be very helpful to you when setting up your business venture.


Starting the Business

1. Start making a plan. Write everything in a notebook so that you do not forget anything. Decide on a business name and obtain licenses and permits necessary to begin the business. Also obtain at least liability insurance for the business, and speak with an accountant about what type of record keeping system you should use.

Begin figuring out a budget, costs of ingredients and materials, and how much of a profit you want to make the first year. Record this information in your notebook. Pick up items for your business as you come across them.

2. Collect and test recipes for the dog treats. Test them out on all the dogs that you know. Keep the recipes for the treats that the dogs seem to enjoy the most. Try to come up with about six good recipes to start. Finish purchasing equipment such as baking sheets, mixing bowls, and dog-shaped cookie cutters. Stock up on ingredients like flour. Purchase what is needed to package the dog treats, and decide whether or not you will create a website and sell online.

3. Come up with creative ways to package the dog treats. Use items such as decorative baggies and boxes and handmade tags and ribbon when wrapping the treats up. Purchase small baskets as well so that you can put together gift baskets of all of the treats. Choose creative ways to market your business.. Get the word out about what you sell. Create a website and possibly a blog. Make business cards and fliers. Have coupons available for repeat customers. Use marketing and advertising techniques that fit well with your business.

4. Come up with a work schedule. Decide how much time you will spend on making the treats. Figure out how much time you will spend on packaging the items. Be sure to account for cooling time for each recipe. Set regular times for record keeping and shopping for necessities. Hire someone to help you with your business tasks if necessary.

Tags: your business, about what, Come with, creative ways, much time, much time will