Thursday, March 26, 2015

Find A Sale Price

Discount percentage can sometimes be found on a product's tag.

Retail stores offer discounts on items as a percentage off the original price. The discount means the store is offering "x" amount of money off the original price of the item. There are several ways to calculate the sale price of a product. In a mathematical equation, one way to calculate a sale price is original price - discount = sale price. Finding the sale price of an item isn't difficult and knowing find a sale price of an item can save you money.


Original Price - Discount = Sale Price

1. Locate the amount of the original price and amount of discount being offered for the item. The original price in a store can usually be found on a tag on the item or on a sign posted above the rack the item is placed on. Online stores will usually use the words "original price", "retail price", or "manufacturer's price" to let you know that it is the original sale price. The percentage of discount being offered is usually found on a sign located near the item that is on sale, or in the title of the sale on an online store site.

2. Figure the discounted price. The discounted price is determined by multiplying the original price of the item by the discount being offered. For example, a kitchen toaster is offered online for 20 percent off the original price of $20. To figure the discounted price, multiply $20 times .20 for a discount of $4.

3. Subtract the discounted price from the original price. Use the example in Step 2 to illustrate this step. The original price in the example was $20 and the discount was $4. Subtracting the discount from the original price yields a sale price of $16.

Figure a Sale Price by Using Rate of Percentage The Item Will Cost

4. Determine the sale price by using the rate of percentage the item will cost. By finding the rate of percentage the item costs, instead of subtracting the discount from the original price, you can determine the sale price faster.

5. Subtract the offered percentage discounted from 100. Percent means "per 100". This will give you the rate the item costs instead of the rate of the discount. Using the same example, the sale of a kitchen toaster regularly priced at $20 is on sale for 20 percent off. Instead of figuring the amount of discount, the percentage of the total cost of the sale price is given. In the toaster example, 100 percent - 20 percent = 80 percent.

6. Multiply the original price by the percentage of the total cost of the item. The kitchen toaster in the example was originally priced at $20. Multiply $20 by 80 percent for a total of $16, the same as the price in Section 1.

Tags: original price, sale price, discounted price, price item, being offered, discount being