Monday, March 9, 2015

Puppy With An Upset Stomach

When your puppy isn't feeling good, the problem could be as simple as an upset stomach.

A puppy's system is always in a delicate state of balance, and for some dogs, swaying this into an upset stomach, indigestion and vomiting doesn't take much. The problem isn't uncommon and, while seeing your young puppy in so much discomfort may be tough, it is usually temporary and can be helped with some at-home remedies. When the condition doesn't pass, however, you'll probably want to consult the veterinarian.


Puppies can't talk, and in the period after bringing a new puppy into the home, you're still learning the pup's body language and what is normal for it, which can make recognizing the signs of an upset stomach difficult. Typically, the puppy will refuse food or may vomit immediately after eating. Its stomach and abdomen can be sensitive to the touch, and the puppy may cry or whimper when touched in this area. Gas is also a sign of an upset stomach, along with a lack of interest in playing, exploring new surroundings or interacting with people.


Puppies have sensitive digestive systems, and a number of things can cause an upset stomach. Changing the type of food too quickly is likely to interfere with their digestive tract, along with getting into any food or garbage left unattended. Puppies also have a tendency to eat quickly and may swallow a lot of air along with their food, which can greatly upset their digestion and will often result in vomiting or burping after eating. Excitement can trigger an upset stomach as well, especially when the puppy is introduced to a new experience just after eating. Even water can upset a puppy's stomach when it is drinking from a different tap than normal. Many puppies will get car sick and can show the effects of this even after their paws are back on solid ground.


In most cases, treating an upset stomach is fairly easy. Take any food away from the puppy for no more than a couple hours to give the stomach time to settle. Instead of water, give the puppy ice chips to prevent both dehydration and further irritation of the stomach. Puppies who are prone to upset stomachs can be given plain yogurt or a bit of cottage cheese mixed into their regular diets to help maintain a healthy digestive tract. A number of bland diet options are on the market; for sensitive puppies, changing their diet to one of these types of foods may help. Bismuth can also help settle the puppy's stomach when human dosing is followed. Refrain from feeding table scraps and other types of unfamiliar foods that can upset the stomach as well.

When to Seek Help

If the puppy has ignored food for more than 12 hours, seek medical attention. Consult a veterinarian if the puppy's discomfort seems to get worse or if there is blood in the vomit or stools. In some cases, an upset stomach can be a symptom of something more serious, such as worms or parasites. The puppy also may have sustained an internal injury that is not immediately evident. In these cases, quick diagnosis is crucial.

Tags: upset stomach, after eating, along with, upset stomach, also have, digestive tract