Monday, September 15, 2014

Celebrate Baby'S First Birthday

A small, simple party is the best way to celebrate a child's first year.

You may be entertaining fantasies of your child's first birthday party before she is even out of the womb. This special event is a momentous occasion for parents who can celebrate their survival of the difficult first year. Planning this type of party is a challenge, however, as the guest of honor may be the least interested member of the party. A first birthday party is more exciting for the parents than it is for the birthday girl. Keep the planning process simple and low key to ensure an event with plenty of smiles and laughter for all involved. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Invite close friends and family only. Large groups of people can be overwhelming for a small child. This party is more for the parents than the child, so a guest list comprised of adults is perfectly fine. If you do invite children, keep to five or less.

2. Schedule the party for a convenient time that falls between your baby's naptimes. Restrict the party to one and a half to two hours.

3. Serve a small individual size cake for your child. Get your photo op with the birthday child smashing the small cake, then break out a larger cake for the guests.

4. Decorate with colorful streamers and posters. Toddlers enjoy bright, primary colors. Avoid balloons, which can pose a choking hazard for children.

5. Provide a variety of toys for the children and be prepared to let them run wild. Save organized games for the adults. Any games that do involve the children will probably require the assistance of parents to keep things moving along.

6. Create a keepsake of the event for your child. Set out a special picture, card or plate for guests to sign. Set up a video camera and record personal messages for the birthday boy to view when he is older.

Tags: your child, birthday party, child first, first birthday, first birthday party, first year, parents than