Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Animal Control Officer Training

Animal control officer training is extensive.

Animal control officers encounter a variety of situations on a daily basis. The National Animal Control Association (NACA) sets uniform standards and training to enforce pet owners' accountability for quality living conditions. Animal control officers receive training in numerous subjects pertaining to animals, criminal investigation and human relations. The goal of animal control officers is to educate and to assist pet owners without always severing these relationships and pressing criminal charges.

Age and Previous Experience

Animal control officers answer calls for all types of animals.

Trainees must be at least 18 years of age to train for a career in animal control, according to the National Animal Control Association (NACA). The minimum age to be hired as an animal control officer is 21. There is no requirement for previous experience working with animals or in law enforcement to receive training.

Volunteer Hours

Volunteer hours give experience with a variety of animals.

One of the best ways to determine if being an animal control officer is a good career choice is through volunteer hours. Consider volunteering at the local animal shelter or pet shops. Spend time visiting different veterinarian hospitals and kennels. Volunteer work provides hands-on experience and education about different animals.

Time Frame

Officers must obtain three levels of certification.

Obtain Level 1 and Level 2 NACA certification prior to applying to be an animal control officer. According to the NACA, all course training for these levels must be finished in a 12 to 18 month time span for certification. Attend additional training to obtain Level 3 certification is separate from one and two. Trainees can participate in Level 3 certification at any time.


Each state has special training requirements for animal control officers.

State regulations for animal control vary. Animal control officers receive additional training and education through local and state seminars. Some states require a specific number of course hours in addition to the NACA certifications.


Animal control officers receive training in a vast array of topics.

Animal control officers interact with the public, not only for complaints but to educate and assist in providing better quality life conditions for animals and pets. Training in public relations enables officers to handle situations with compassion and effectiveness simultaneously.

According to Dog Fancy Magazine, animal control officers often receive training in animal CPR, animal first aid, capturing a variety of animal breeds, investigation techniques and emergency shelter relief options. Post-high school courses in criminal investigation, animal behavior and public speaking strengthens the potential to obtain a position as an animal control officer.

Tags: control officers, control officer, Animal control officers, receive training, animal control, control officers receive