Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Community Service Project Involving Animals For Teens

Assisting at a shelter can create a better environment for animals.

Many teens want to participate in volunteer work to make a difference in their community. According to the Prudential Spirit of Community Youth Survey, 95 percent of young people feel that it is important to volunteer. Projects involving animals can give teens the opportunity to work with them and learn about careers involving their care, while at the same time helping animals in need.


Choose an animal shelter you would like to help. Tell friends, family members and other people in your community about your cause and ask if they would like to donate items for a yard sale. Inform donors that pet food, toys and other pet-related items would be appreciated. Gather the items, hold a yard sale and donate the proceeds to the animal shelter. Make your own pet toys with tennis balls, odd socks, yarn and rope, or make homemade treats for cats and dogs and donate them, as well.

Care for Birds

Maintain a birdbath. Place a small metal cake pan or a dish in your backyard. Fill the pan with an inch of water for the birds and refill it when the water is low. Place a small stone in the center for smaller birds. Clean the pan at least once a week. Make simple bird feeders by spreading peanut butter onto pine cones and rolling them in bird seed. Hang these with string in the trees in your yard, parks and other locations. Take care of the feeders and the birdbath during the winter and particularly through migration seasons.

Hold an Event

Gather several friends together and advertise a charity dog wash in your local newspaper. Ask for donations of dog shampoo, brushes, dog treats and other supplies from friends, family and neighbors. Charge each customer a nominal fee and donate the proceeds from your dog wash to a local animal shelter, hospital, zoo or wildlife refuge. Organize a pet show for a retirement home, ask animal hospitals and veterinary clinics to offer a one-day reduced price for spaying and neutering, or charge customers to take photos of their pets and donate the proceeds.


Become a volunteer at a zoo, animal hospital, shelter or refuge. You can walk dogs, clean up pens, or play with, groom and feed the animals. You may also be able to help with office work, assist adoptions or plan more fund-raisers. Sometimes, stray animals in shelters are sick, injured or need a temporary home until the shelter can find a permanent one; ask your parents and a local shelter if you can foster an animal.

Tags: animal shelter, donate proceeds, friends family, Place small, would like, yard sale