Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Good Ways To Answer Why I Want To Work Somewhere

Prepare before the question is asked.

If you are asked why you want to work for a particular company during a job interview, you won't win points with a generic response. Instead, research the company thoroughly before your interview and use what you've learned to give an honest answer. The key here is to show the person on the other side of the desk that you've done your homework.

Company Culture

Find out if a company is a good fit for you by talking to current and past employees. Ask about the dress code, managerial style and reward systems. Based on their experiences, you should be able to get a good feel for a company's core values. If the organization sounds like a place you would like to work, mention specific culture characteristics and how they would benefit you. For example, if you like to work in teams, say that you thrive in collaborative work environments like the one XYZ company promotes.

Specific Job Duties

Highlight ways the company's position is a better fit for your skills, interests or goals than positions at other companies. A blackjack dealer who loves to disco may prefer to work at a casino that features a "party pit, " where dealers double as showgirl-like entertainers. Let the interviewer know that you've researched the company and the competition. Leave no doubt that you put in an application with the company that was a best match for you.


If you want to work for a company because it's headquartered in a particular city or region, it's okay to say so. Just give specific reasons why. Perhaps the school system and low crime rates make it a great place to raise children. Or maybe you already have family in the area. These answers let your potential new employer know that you're practical and committed. You're looking for a position that really fits with your lifestyle long-term, even if it is not the most lucrative.


Say you want to join the organization because you admire it. Supplement your answer with specific company achievements or references to the organization's mission. For example, an aspiring new reporter may mention that she wants to intern at a particular station because she was impressed with the team's election coverage. A recent grad may say he wants to work for a nonprofit because it supports the community he loves or deals with a social cause that is close to his heart.

Tags: know that, like work, want work