Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Become An Adoption Caseworker

Adoption caseworkers shop for appropriate families.

Social workers who work with adoption cases help give people the gift of family. Social workers who work in the area of adoption spend a lot of time interviewing prospective parents and counseling birth mothers. Assessments are extensive and you have to form an accurate picture of the parents before you can recommend them to be eligible to adopt a child. To work in this field, you'll need a bachelor's degree, and some agencies require a master's degree. Qualifications and regulations vary from state to state, so contact the state adoption specialist in your jurisdiction. There are a variety of adoption agencies, including public child welfare agencies, private agencies, and agencies that focus on international placements.


1. Contact the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse at You can call toll-free on 1-888-251-0075, or send an e-mail to Inquire about the state laws and the agencies that work with adoptions in your area. Ask to be put on any appropriate mailing lists.

2. Approach the human resources departments of agencies in your area and find out what they require in terms of qualifications and experience. Leave a copy of your CV and indicate you are interested in any positions for adoption caseworkers that may become available.

3. Enroll in community college or university classes on adoption. Study the laws in your state and become familiar with the history and practices of adoption. Further education is an indication that you are serious about wanting to work in adoption, and will be regarded favorably by potential employers.

4. Interview social workers who work with adoptions. Talking to someone involved with adoption will give you reliable information and help you make a more informed decision about becoming an adoption caseworker. Ask them for advice about become an adoption caseworker. Also inquire about the benefits and stresses of the job, and what the work involves.

Tags: work with, workers work, adoption caseworker, adoption will, agencies that, Social workers, Social workers work